
Hire a small tracked crane for your project in London - 07 Aug 2023

Because of their unique capabilities, tracked cranes are ideal for many construction and heavy lifting applications.

Also known as crawler cranes, tracker cranes have a set of tracks instead of wheels, which provide several advantages, including stability and mobility.

Because of their tracks, the weight is distributed over a wider surface, making them great for uneven or softer terrain. Whether you need a crane for a construction site, marshy area or off-road location, hiring one of our tracked cranes is an excellent solution.

The tracks also mean they can move more smoothly over rougher surfaces without getting stuck.

Cranes with high lifting capacities.

Tracked cranes are renowned for their high lifting capacities. They’re ideal if you need a crane for such tasks that require precision and strength, including:

  • Setting up large structures
  • Placing heavy machinery
  • Handling materials like steel beams and concrete blocks

They’re also one of the most versatile types of cranes, with our machines available with many attachments and accessories. These include different types of hooks, booms, jibs, and other tools, so we can perform tasks like lifting, hoisting, and precise placement.

Need a crane for work in an area with limited space?

In that case, a tracked crane could be the ideal choice. Their tracks allow them to be maneuvered through constricted spaces, including construction sites with limited entry points or urban areas with narrow roads.

Because they exert less pressure on the ground compared to wheel cranes, there’s also less impact on the surface. This means they’re good for places which can’t withstand heavy loads.

Hire our tracked cranes for off-road applications.

Tracked cranes excel in off-road applications where wheeled cranes might struggle. Their tracks provide better traction on soft soil, gravel, and other challenging surfaces.

All our tracked cranes are regularly checked for safety and offer excellent levels of stability. Their precise controls and steady movement allow for accurate placement of heavy objects.

If you need to hire a small crane in London, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team for more information.